Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Starting the final push!!

The hope is that before the month of July is over we will be close...packed up and ready moving!

We are getting things done and although it seems to me like a whole lot still to do, we are told it won't be long.  That is so exciting and so scary!!

Here is what we have been working on...

DIRT!  lots and lots of move.  All the dirt around the house has been hauled away and it is looking a lot less like a construction site and more like a home!

Moving and compacting the dirt

Putting in drain  in the backyard to keep water out of the basement.  You can see behind the drain the dirt is terraced a bit....we will have a rock retaining wall here soon!

And the fireplace is finally getting done...after all of the options and the struggle and the carting tile and rock back and forth from store to house to store to house to....we finally made a decision, travertine stone...we think it will look great!

For 'Fun' we got to try to pick out carpet....and then carpet color!  Here is what we ended up with...the color will be a surprise!
We are nearing the end of the decision making process...and we couldn't be happier!

 and finally...I stopped by the house today on my way home and this is what I found!  Boulders of all sizes ...our retaining wall rock.  There was one guy moving this rock around like it was nothing...can't wait to see what it looks like tomorrow!  (stay tuned!)

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