Sunday, May 7, 2017

and the paint goes on...

Okay so if you picked a paint color from the swatches in the last post  ... you were wrong.

In the end we decided to go with a completely different color.  It's called Anew Gray.

After it was painted we went up to see it.  Mike loved it but I didn't. To be exact...I freaked out!  I thought we'd made a huge mistake!  I thought it was green and gray and too much like a navy ship with split pea soup mixed in!

It was a tough few days as we discussed the options of getting a new color.  Agh!   We went back to the house..with friends in tow...all LOVED the color!  And I had to admit it looked better.  Maybe the light was better, maybe the paint had dried...soooo

After a round of "I hate it",
                                                       "I don't love it",
                 "I suppose I could live with it"...

                                          "okay we'll keep it"...

the paint color stays!

Mike posing in front of our newly painted wall!

Hard to see the real color with the windows all covered

Dining room
And as the paint goes on...and on...the siding is going up!  
Siding working it's way around the house

Siding on the back of the house...still needs to be painted.

Close up of the rock 

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