Thursday, May 25, 2017

Still tile...still slow...

Rooms are slowly getting tiled...apparently we are the only ones concerned about time...agggh!

Master bathroom floor...
  and shower...wavy walls!

 Mud room and hallway almost done...
On another note, Mike and I decided that the wood floor needed to be covered sooner rather than later, our builder was going to 'get to it' but we ended up beating him to it.  Feel much better for it!
Also, still trying to pick the tile/rock for the fireplace...what a dilema!!
Some of the contenders...

But we think the winner is.... (at least for today)...

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Wood and Tile

lots of work happening on this snowy day...


Wood floor was laid today and when I saw it they were almost done!  All in one day!  And while they were working on the floor upstairs the tile setters were working on the bathroom downstairs...

It is starting to take shape...Oh My!

 The floor is full of sawdust and dirt so it doesn't look exactly as it will eventually.

The downstairs bath, meant to look a little more tile!

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

A problem, a fix and tile...

The tile has been arriving, they are getting the floors and walls ready prepped!  One problem...the tile we are using for our master shower has an 'issue'.  Since it's 'special' tile, when it was packed they used wax-like glue between each piece of tile to protect it during shipping.  In a perfect world as the tile is unpacked, the wax will just brush off the tile...

Well, we all know that our world is far from perfect was an 'all hands on deck' afternoon!  (all 4 hands that is).  Mike and I had to carefully scrape off each piece of tile until they were clear of all signs of wax.  Apparently the tiles were stored somewhere warm and the wax melted.

It took us about 3 hours (27 boxes) but in the end wasn't too bad.  At least we were smiling!

And all the floors are ready for tile...that starts tomorrow!
Guest Bathroom
 Laundry Room
Tile is ready!
Even the fireplace is ready!
And the siding guys are high up on ladders doing the soffit under the roof!  Scary to watch!

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Paint done...siding almost...tile and flooring up next!

Turning the corner you can see our house in the distance...
it's a bit of an eye-sore right now but at least it's looking like a house!
 Painters are done...paper and tape off the windows and clean up begun! 
Up Next...wood floors!  The wood arrived on Thursday and has to sit in the house for about a week to 'acclimatize'.  
If all goes well we will be able to start laying the floor at the end of the week!

And the tile is arriving and prep work is underway in the bathrooms!  
 Siding is getting close to done...every day there is a little more completed.
Looking Good!!
As the workers arrive tomorrow I left a little sunshine in the garage to cheer their day.
Picked these up at my cabin this morning!

Sunday, May 7, 2017

and the paint goes on...

Okay so if you picked a paint color from the swatches in the last post  ... you were wrong.

In the end we decided to go with a completely different color.  It's called Anew Gray.

After it was painted we went up to see it.  Mike loved it but I didn't. To be exact...I freaked out!  I thought we'd made a huge mistake!  I thought it was green and gray and too much like a navy ship with split pea soup mixed in!

It was a tough few days as we discussed the options of getting a new color.  Agh!   We went back to the house..with friends in tow...all LOVED the color!  And I had to admit it looked better.  Maybe the light was better, maybe the paint had dried...soooo

After a round of "I hate it",
                                                       "I don't love it",
                 "I suppose I could live with it"...

                                          "okay we'll keep it"...

the paint color stays!

Mike posing in front of our newly painted wall!

Hard to see the real color with the windows all covered

Dining room
And as the paint goes on...and on...the siding is going up!  
Siding working it's way around the house

Siding on the back of the house...still needs to be painted.

Close up of the rock 

Monday, May 1, 2017


Agggh!  I thought picking the tile was a frustrating and lengthy process!  Now for the past week or more we have been trying to pick colors.

Not as easy as I would have liked!
Was thinking this might be a good color for an accent wall but was awful up close.

This one looked PINK~! It was supposed to be gray~~

Potential for bedroom???  NOPE...

For a bathroom???  NOPE...

What about these Grays?

 We actually did pick one...V, A or W...Which one would you guess?

PS...Update - we actually didn't pick any of these...after all that we went with a completely different gray that we didn't even have a sample for to paint on the walls!