Monday, February 27, 2017

Taping and Muding begin

The drywall has been installed.  The taping and muding has begun.  This is a messy and long process and with our house and walls we are expecting it to take 2 weeks.  This isn't necessarily a bad thing because we still need to finalize the cabinets, cabinet colors, fireplace design, flooring, bathroom tiles and paint colors...aggggh!  As much as I'd liked to have been ahead of the game on a lot of the decision making I'm not there yet and it's driving me crazy!!

But in the meantime...we tape....and mud.....

The drywall is in!  It's starting to look like a house, don't you think?

Guest Bedroom

Guest Bedroom

Living room with drywall complete and the worrisome fireplace in the center

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