Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Joists ...check!

Here is what Mike saw today...the joists which will be holding up the main floor were set today...most are in and tomorrow they should be laying the rest and also the plywood so we can actually walk on the main level. 

That will give us the first look at the view we will have from the house.  Throughout the planning process we wanted to get the house up high enough to get the most of the view...tomorrow we will find out if we were successful.  It was tough 'guessing' where we'd end up and can't wait to see!

Looking down...basement walls all framed and joists being laid

Half of the joists are in!  The rest going in tomorrow and plywood too!
Garage wall going up!!  I can't remember it being that high??  I'm going to check the plans tonight!

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