Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Heating & Plumbing ducks ... or ducts...

What do I up today at the longer calling it the 'lot'...I think we have finally graduated to something more substantial so, the 'site' it is!....

So I show up at the 'site' today and I find a maze of tubing of all shapes and sizes.   These are the tubes/pipes for the plumbing and the heating, I know (because our builder told us). The bigger ones are the heating ducts and the smaller ones are for plumbing.

Anyway....we will have heat!  and running water!  and power...although I don't think that has been run to the house yet.  You will be comfortable when you come to visit...promise!!

Notice the flattener machine...still on the job!

Sewer hook up (I got this one!)

This maze is for two bedrooms and a bathroom in the middle but

I can't figure out what is what

or what goes where?  

About to panic, I call Mike...he says 'don't panic'...(easy for him)

Even from up above looking down, I got nothin...

Learning to trust, I leave the tubes and maze behind..

Sun setting on the 'site' (from the road)

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