Wednesday, September 28, 2016

We have an Outhouse!!!

What a beautiful site!!!

An 'Outhouse' to us at least, means that we are 'official'...we are building this house...people are going to be spending enough time here that they will have to...uh....visit it!  Yahoo!

Meanwhile the gravel has filled the basement (sub-basement?) and we are getting ready to pour the concrete.  That should be happening today!  No pictures on that till next week because we are out of town for a wedding.  But then the framing starts next week too so by then the concrete floor might be a mute topic in favor of wood!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Heating & Plumbing ducks ... or ducts...

What do I up today at the longer calling it the 'lot'...I think we have finally graduated to something more substantial so, the 'site' it is!....

So I show up at the 'site' today and I find a maze of tubing of all shapes and sizes.   These are the tubes/pipes for the plumbing and the heating, I know (because our builder told us). The bigger ones are the heating ducts and the smaller ones are for plumbing.

Anyway....we will have heat!  and running water!  and power...although I don't think that has been run to the house yet.  You will be comfortable when you come to visit...promise!!

Notice the flattener machine...still on the job!

Sewer hook up (I got this one!)

This maze is for two bedrooms and a bathroom in the middle but

I can't figure out what is what

or what goes where?  

About to panic, I call Mike...he says 'don't panic'...(easy for him)

Even from up above looking down, I got nothin...

Learning to trust, I leave the tubes and maze behind..

Sun setting on the 'site' (from the road)

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Hook-ups, Backfill & Compacting

Okay so not out of the 'dirt' yet.  Work is getting done but still feels painfully slow.

We were up on Monday and the Weber County inspector was there.  He was giving us approval for power…and as the week went on for water & sewer.  He had very nice things to say about our builder and how well respected he is.  He said "Weber County has the reputation for having the 'worst' or 'best' (depending on your perspective) inspection qualifications in the State"  While we are happy to know that our home will definitely meet code (when finished) we hope that we can always make the 'inspectors happy' when they come a callin'!

Backfill and Compacting was underway while the hook-ups were being done.  The post holes were filled in and the garage and basement filled and leveled and flattened by the 'flattener'!
Posts are mostly buried!  Flattener machine works pretty well!

Basement floor settling out

View from what I think will be the upper level (main)

Driveway...sort of….not as steep as we thought which is a relief!

Street view

Taking a moment to Give Thanks

This is a 'shout out' to my sister, Susie, who reminded me when I was most frustrated about all the delays and the soil tests and clay and bad dirt…

"Have you thought about stopping to give thanks?"

No we hadn't.

"The land is being torn and plowed.  It's giving up it's outer shell…so you can put your home on it…, shouldn't you say 'thank you'?"

So we did.

And then it was buried in the midst of the foundation to hold us up and always know how very grateful we are.  

Thank you!!

(and you too Susie!)

Friday, September 9, 2016 back to excavation...sort of...

I'm sure you are with me on this one...I'm SICK OF DIRT!!  I'm so tired of seeing dirt, gravel, clay...all things brown and dirty!  We aren't really back to excavation but it feels like it to me.  We are now in the process of filling in the basement, garage, footings with ...what else...dirt!  Fill dirt to be accurate...gravel really...

Sorry for the jumble...took a lot of photos to try to give you a good view of what's going on.

Next week we are hoping that we will finish up with the dirt and be prepared to move on to the fun stuff....framing!!!

the tube in the foreground is for the 'french drain' that goes around the house to drain moisture
the forgotten post platform has been poured! Post coming soon!
This guy is a cool little remote control compactor...don't want him rolling over your toes!
Hi ya! from the back of the house looking down on it

the driveway  is still piled high with dirt to right of foundation...hope that clears & levels out soon!

view from the car

view from the basement gravel to the car

probably just me but the garage seems a lot bigger than the house!

Basement view...still have a nice view of the lake!