Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Windows, Windows, Windows!!

What a difference...                                
Before windows....
 and After!!

Before Windows
And After!!

Friday, December 16, 2016

Snowy days...and who shows up...heating and plumbing!!

There is a lot happening at 6339 Quail Lane...

As winter is settling in and getting comfortable we are finally seeing the activity ramp up at the house.  It's almost un-nerving to see so much activity!

I popped in this afternoon and found 6 or 7 guys busy drilling holes, running pipe, setting vents...the heaters and plumbers working side by side.  It was exciting and they were all so nice.
What joy to drive up and see all this activity at the house!

Heating in the ceiling of the basement for the main floor!
Working on the heating unit

Venting upstairs


more plumbing...

Kitchen sink plumbing
Oh, and did I mention we have a tub...or you have a tub...this is in the guest room!
and windows...we have windows!! (and there sure are a lot of 'em!)

Driving away it looks the same from the outside....ah....but the inside...

Monday, December 12, 2016

Interior Framing complete!

At least that's what we are told...and it looks like it too.  You probably can't tell much from these photos but we can...in person.

Walking through a bit of a maze we can make out bathrooms, closets, etc...it's very exciting!


looking toward kitchen

looking toward dining room and guest bath & bedroom

Great room wall...

And we picked a fireplace!!  So Fun!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Fine tuning...

Just a few photos from the site...it looks like the roof is all on now and more work is being done inside.  The stairway has been opened and Mike and I took a ceremonious (and corny) first walk up the stairs, arm and arm!   The wall to the laundry room and closet has gone in...you can kinda see it in the second photo down.

Just before the 'stair-walk' ceremony!

from the main level down...

Roof looks to be on! 

Thursday, December 1, 2016


We went up to the 'site' to show John, our friend,  master carpenter/builder/knower of all things construction, the house.  Much to our surprise it appears that the framers were up working on a very big snow day.

Not much done on the upstairs, but a lot of framing downstairs.  I can say 'downstairs' now because we actually have a set of stairs!  So very exciting!

And later that same afternoon we had a call from our builder about windows!  The order has been placed!
Hip Hip....!

I know you want to see em....without any further ado....STAIRS!!!

Stairs with a surprise...CLOSET!!

Looking from the 'Family room' toward the unfinished area...see stairs on the left?  :)

Upstairs a view of a very snowy Great room ...want to get this enclosed ASAP!

and Kitchen...

and with the  most snow, the Guest room...bring your toe warmers!  brrrr!

Friday, November 25, 2016

Visitors from the SKY!

This Thanksgiving weekend as we were considering all that we are thankful for...we had a couple of visitors...straight from the sky!  One much more welcome than the other!

The first....SNOW!!  

Not what we wanted to see arriving in our neighborhood...yet...

We had hoped to have the roof on before the snow settled around the house.  Now, as the day warms up there are.puddles of water sitting on the floors and in the basement.  Aggh!

BUT!!   on the other hand ...a great visitor!  Mom!

from sunny California!  It was fun to show her around and the next time she comes, she will be staying here!  (am I being too confident?)

 By the time we left the snow was melting quickly but more to come in the next week.  Fingers crossed we get a few days where the framers can come and get this roof  finished!!

Friday, November 18, 2016

The Roof (s) .... "Holy Moly"!!

To quote my sister..."holy moly" is right!!

Sorry, haven't posted for a few weeks...we have been in shock!

This house keeps getting bigger and bigger and we are stunned!  The roof is going up now which gives more shape to the rooms, the walls and the VERY TALL ceilings!

Not sure this is what we expected but this is what we have...YIKES! (and yay!)

These framers have NO fear!!

On the road above looking down while framers are working on the roof.  Very cold day!

Side view from the road...

Roof is being enclosed.,..those joists sticking out will eventually be cut back.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

The framing takes shape...

Okay...I admit it...I'm excited!  I can't help myself even though I spent more time in my car and more money on gas this week than I probably should have.  But if I didn't...I wouldn't have this update for you!

I got to the house while the framers were still working.  They are amazing.  I sat in my car for quite a few minutes just watching them.  They are so confident, up there...it was fun to watch and listen to the air guns as they nailed our house together!  And such nice guys...they are all willing to chat and talk about the house and what they are doing. We are feeling lucky to have them!

you can see on the left side the start of an angled roof line.

So many windows...can you guess the number?

View from driveway toward garage

looking in to garage from back of house

Kitchen windows to left, great room window in middle, wall going up to master bedroom on the right

looking toward back of the house...laundry and master closet at the far end.

Looking from closet/bath to master bedroom...wow!

master bedroom view...wow, wow!

wall separating great room from master

Great room will have a 4 panel slider below those windows


Views from the street above looking down on the back of the house.