Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The Excavation...part 2

A few weeks have gone by and nothing has been done on our lot...we have a hole, a very big hole, a very big hole that's getting bigger...but not in a good way.

Apparently we have clay...not just clay, very bad clay...the worst kind of clay you want when you are digging a hole, a very big hole for a foundation.

So we are now digging deeper, to find out what's below that clay (and hopefully not more clay!) in order to make decisions on what our next steps are.  Gulp!

Mike stopped by today (as he was riding around the lake) to check out the hole and the 'digging deeper'.    

Fingers...toes....eyes all crossed that we can get through this and be in home building mode soon!

PS  Mike told me he ran into a builder that we almost hired and he told Mike that all over the Valley builders are having the same issue.  The City is holding up everything for these soil and geology tests.  I guess we should feel a little better that we are not alone...